Mazda Savanna RX7(FC3S) 1985 Fujimi 1/24 1978年に登場した初代RX7は、ロータリー・エンジンの特性を生かしたユニークなスポーツカーとして絶賛を浴びました。The Mazda RX7 is a front/midengine, rearwheeldrive, rotary enginepowered sports car that was manufactured and marketed by Mazda from 1978 to 02 across three generations, all of which made use of a compact, lightweight Wankel rotary engine The first generation of the RX7, SA, was a twoseater 2 door hatchback coupéIt featured a 12A carbureted rotary engine as wellThe Mazda RX7 (FC3S) was introduced in October 1985, seven years after the launch of the original RX7, the fully redesigned second generation model The development team wanted to build a sports car to surpass Porsche They aimed for "the perfect sports car that exists within everyone's heart a sports car for a liberated adult" The new RX7 was more upmarket than its

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